Your perfect man

Have you ever sat down and created your perfect man on paper?

I heard about in this manifestation podcast I have been listening to for the past few months.
It resonated with me, because when manifesting things, you have to be clear on what you want. You cant just say I want a house, you need to envision it down to the smallest detail.
Will it have 3 bedrooms? An entertainment area? A swimming pool? What area will it be in? can you see yourself in it?

The same goes for your partner. The universe cant give you what you want if you yourself are not too sure about it!

Will he be funny? adventurous, a non smoker?

The last few weeks, I decided it was time for me to get out and meet people, get out of my comfort zone. So this long weekend I had 3 dates lined up. I knew the first one was someone I would like to see again, and had a voice telling me that the other 2 should be cancelled, but I went anyway, and my intuition was right.

The second date was a bust, and I got stuck with the bill…
The third breakfast date was nice, but no spark.

Me and date 1 have been chatting all weekend, and just in conversation he has ticked so many boxes! Its obviously still early days, but don’t settle.

Get clear on what you want & start manifesting babe!

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